2022 MNGOP Convention Endorses Jim Schultz for Attorney General

Rochester, MN – The Republican Party of Minnesota’s 2022 State Convention endorsed Jim Schultz for attorney general.

“Since launching my campaign for Minnesota Attorney General six months ago, I have been humbled by the outpouring of support we have received from folks across the state. Thank you to the delegates and supporters for entrusting me to take on far-left Attorney General Keith Ellison this November. I won’t let you down. Most of all, thank you to Molly and my family for their love and support.

“It was great campaigning with Lynne, Tad, and Doug. They are conservative leaders and I look forward to working with them to defeat Keith Ellison. The fight for the general election starts now. From his radical efforts to defund the police to his extraordinary politicization of the office, Keith Ellison has been a disaster for our state and Minnesotans will hold him accountable in November.” – Jim Schultz, endorsed Republican candidate for Attorney General

“Congratulations to Jim Schultz on winning the Republican Party of Minnesota’s endorsement for attorney general. Keith Ellison is a radical liberal who supports defunding the police, and his extremist politics have no place in our state’s top law enforcement office. Jim Schultz’s commitment to justice and the rule of law will be a welcome change. We look forward to partnering with Jim Schultz to take the politics out of the attorney general’s office and restore its status as the people’s top lawyer.” – Republican Party of Minnesota Chairman David Hann
