Minneapolis, MN – Following reports that Julie Blaha has once again run afoul of campaign finance law, the MN GOP released the statement below:
“Democrat Julie Blaha can’t even follow basic campaign finance laws,” said Republican Party of Minnesota Communications Director Nick Majerus. “How can Minnesotans be expected to trust an auditor who has multiple campaign finance violations, signed off on the Feeding our Future fraud, and missed other examples of waste, fraud, and abuse in government, including $500 million in cost overruns for Southwest Light Rail and $72 million in daycare fraud?”
Reports show the Campaign Finance Board said that ‘probable cause exists to believe that the Blaha for Auditor Committee violated Minnesota campaign finance law’ regarding the complaint filed with the CFB that raised questions of possible illegal coordination between her campaign and the DFL.
However, this isn’t even the first time her campaign has run afoul of campaign finance law:
- Julie Blaha took an illegal campaign contribution from Denise Specht, the President of Education Minnesota: https://cfb.mn.gov/pdf/bdactions/1585_Conciliation_Agreement.pdf?t=1665675189
- Julie Blaha accepted an illegal “…contribution from a political fund during a regular session of the legislature,” and “the contribution was not returned within 90 days of deposit and is therefore deemed accepted under Minnesota Statutes section 10A.15, subdivision 3: https://cfb.mn.gov/pdf/bdactions/1570_Conciliation_Agreement.pdf?t=1665675671
“As auditor, Julie Blaha has used the office to advance a far-left agenda and turned a blind eye to the largest fraud in state history, and the largest pandemic fraud in the U.S., dismissing it as ‘…things our office doesn’t even do,” Majerus continued. “Blaha refuses to do her job and can’t even follow campaign finance law. Minnesotans must elect Ryan Wilson in November to restore trust and transparency to the state auditor’s office.”