Primary Election: Tuesday, August 9th
First day to vote early in person: Friday, June 24th
Last day to vote early in person: Monday, August 8th
General Election: Tuesday, November 8th
First day to vote early in person: Friday, September 23rd
Last day to vote early in person: Monday, November 7th

Kim Crockett is passionate about upholding the law and protecting our constitutional right to vote.

“Kim Crockett was born and raised in Minnesota and graduated with her law degree from the University of Pennsylvania Law School, one of the most prestigious in the country. She has worked in policy for much of her life and more recently began volunteering at Minnesota Voters Alliance addressing issues of election integrity.”

She has worked with the Election Integrity Network and her work was instrumental in helping block the “For the People Act” which would have federalized elections and ironically, taken power away from the people. She states, “Minnesota needs a Secretary of State committed to protecting the rights of all eligible voters in Minnesota, regardless of party affiliation. Along with that commitment comes the responsibility to ensure that ineligible ballots and illegal election procedures do not disenfranchise legitimate voters.

As Secretary of State Kim Crockett will ensure that elections in Minnesota are as safe, easy, and secure as possible without disenfranchising any eligible voters (campaign website).”

Vote Local, Implement Voter Photo ID and Safeguard the Vote.

“Encourage Minnesota to return to the civic traditions that unite us on Election Day. Americans are divided on many issues but identifying ourselves when we vote is not one of them! Kim will work with the legislature to pass common-sense reforms to protect the choice of eligible voters (e.g. require photo ID and provisional ballots; cross-check voter registration lists against other databases; review ballot security for absentee ballots; tighten chain of custody requirements; require random post-election audits; require citizenship to vote).”

Empower Small Business.

“Small businesses are the backbone of our state economy; the Secretary of State’s office should take the lead with other state agencies to simplify registrations for new and relocating businesses to attract and keep them employing Minnesotans. Let’s make Minnesota a business-friendly state!”

Require Election Judges to Accept/Reject all Absentee Ballots.

“On Election Day, citizen election judges from the major parties work together to safeguard our votes. It’s called the party balance rule. Why is Secretary Simon discouraging counties and cities from following the party balance rule when they accept/reject absentee ballots? In 2020, 58% of the vote was cast by absentee ballot.”

Ban Third-Party Voter Interference.

“Mark Zuckerberg spent over $400 million to get out the vote in “blue” districts across the nation, including over $7 million in Minnesota. His organization (CTCL) is now spending $80 million to infiltrate election operations at the local level to “help” with websites and databases. What could go wrong? Other “progressive” organizations flood our mailboxes with official-looking ballot applications, sometimes with pre-filled data, that purposely confuse voters.”

Reverse the Mail-In Ballot Trend in Greater Minnesota.

“Secretary Simon has worked hard to shift Greater Minnesota townships to vote by mail instead of voting in person. In 2020, 1,345 precincts out of about 4,000 closed, up from 588 precincts in 2014 when Simon took office. Only registered voters get a ballot; if you do not have one or do not want to put it in the mail, you must drive to the county seat, or miss the vote.”… Read More

Enforce the Law Against Internet Connections on Voting Machines During Polling Times.

“Citizens and election judges should be empowered to confirm that vote tabulating equipment is not connected to the internet until the polls are closed on Election Night. Elected officials should be required to certify that the law was followed.”

Censure Unconstitutional Changes to Laws.

“In 2020, Secretary Simon extended Election Day seven (7) days and waived signature and postmark requirements by “consent decree” and without legislative authority to do so, violating the constitution, according to the 8thCircuit Court of Appeals.”

Reduce the 46-Day “Early Voting” Season.

“Why are voters asked to decide 6 weeks before Election Day? How much does that cost taxpayers, and burden election officials? Instead of 46 long days of “early voting” let’s return to a reasonable week or two before Election Day.”

Reduce Reliance on Technology; Plug the Holes.

“We have entrusted our most important power as citizens, the right to choose our representatives, to technology we do not understand or control. It is time to identify and plug security holes in both hardware and software to ensure the integrity of voting systems. Is high-tech really saving money and time, or making elections more secure?”

Protect Vulnerable Citizens.

“The elderly, homeless, and non-English speaking citizens are being exploited for their votes. Why do election rules allow and encourage this?”

Oppose the Expansion of Ranked-Choice Voting (RCV).

“RCV promises voters better results through “coalition voting.” But in practice, this overly complicated voting scheme creates chaos, dilutes the power of your vote—and gives some voters more influence over outcomes than others. It also violates “one person, one vote.” The so-called “FairVote” movement pushing RCV diabolically undermines fair elections in the name of fairness! Minneapolis is the poster child.”

Steve Simon has spent his career weakening Minnesota’s Electoral Process.

When Steve Simon served in the Minnesota Legislature, he authored bill that allows for Minnesotans to vote from home for any reason.

Steve Simon is more concerned about people’s comfort than protecting the integrity of our elections.

Steve Simon says that he is a “Secretary of State for all Minnesotans.”

But to Steve Simon this means that every person even if they are a non-citizen, felon, non-resident, or otherwise ineligible should be able to vote.

This is a violation of the Constitution.

Steve Simon is against Transparency in Minnesota Elections

Steve Simon denied Minnesota Voter Alliance request to obtain the list of challenged voters (voters who could not be verified on election day but whose votes were counted).

Our elections require integrity and transparency.

Steve Simon doesn’t give us either. 

Steve Simon Believes in Shady Back-Room Deals

Steve Simon Changed Election Rules for Absentee Ballots Mere Months Before the 2020 Election  

A Federal Appeals Court Ruled Steve Simons’s Decision to Count Absentee Ballots Received After Election Day was Against The Law

Steve Simon Opposes Secure Elections

Steve Simon is Against Requiring Voters to Prove Their Identity Before Voting

Steve Simon Rushed to Implement Mail-In Ballots Despite the Fraud Risk 

When Credible Allegations of Widespread Ballot Harvesting Were Made, Steve Simon had NOTHING to Say

Steve Simon Hypocrisy 

Steve Simon is Only Willing to Uphold the Law if it Benefits His Party

Steve Simon Chooses to Turn a Blind-Eye When his Party Breaks Election Law*

*Minnesota Democrats claims that just because they can’t enforce criminal penalties against non-voters at caucus this makes it legal, this is false.

This is an independent expenditure prepared and paid for by the Republican Party of Minnesota.  It is not coordinated with or approved by any candidate nor is any candidate responsible for it.



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