For Immediate Release: January 19, 2024

Contact: Anna Mathews [email protected]

Duluth, MN – A CFB complaint was filed today after Barb Crow, the chair of the St. Louis County DFL, contributed $100 to attend an HD 3B Republican fundraiser using a false name, address, phone number, and email. According to Minnesota statute 10A.15 Subd. 2, it is illegal to make an anonymous contribution over $20, and it is also illegal to donate in the name of another. This statute outlines that individuals in violation may receive a fine of up to $1,000 from the CFB.

The HD 3B Republicans sponsored a holiday fundraiser – “The Flannel Formal” – for their members, volunteers, and elected officials. Unfortunately, Crow used this opportunity to break the law. On January 4, she registered for the fundraiser online with a credit card as “Susan Johnson” using the Cook Co. DFL’s PO box as an address, a yahoo email for Susan Johnson, and a phone number that appears to be linked to an artist in Wisconsin named Colin Wiita. She then proceeded to attend the event wearing flannel, mingling with the Republican attendees while wearing a name tag that said “Susan Johnson.” As the chair of a CFB-registered party unit (St. Louis Co. DFL, #20704), Crow was most certainly aware that not reporting her name and address with her $100 donation was illegal. In fact, the CFB’s Political Party Unit 2022 Handbook specifies that “The name and address of anyone who gives more than $20 to the party unit along with the date and the amount of the contribution” is required. As a party officer, Crow has a responsibility to be aware of this law. 

“HD 3B Republicans could not be more disappointed in Crow’s illegal and deceptive leadership,” said Donna Bergstrom, MN GOP deputy chair and Duluth resident. “We call on the DFL to strip her of her position as St. Louis Co. chair and demonstrate to voters across Minnesota that this behavior is not tolerated by or emblematic of the DFL.”
